Auction Design

A smart market for passenger road transport (SMPRT) congestion: An application of computational mechanism design

Economic Theory / Agent Based / Market Orientation / Demand Analysis / Applied Economics / Travel Time / Demand Elasticity / Hot Spot / Trading System / Cross Section / Willingness to Pay / ROAD NETWORK / Value of time / Environmental externalities / Computational Mechanism Design / Economic / Auction Design / Travel Time / Demand Elasticity / Hot Spot / Trading System / Cross Section / Willingness to Pay / ROAD NETWORK / Value of time / Environmental externalities / Computational Mechanism Design / Economic / Auction Design

A smart market for passenger road transport (SMPRT) congestion: An application of computational mechanism design

Economic Theory / Agent Based / Market Orientation / Demand Analysis / Applied Economics / Travel Time / Demand Elasticity / Hot Spot / Trading System / Cross Section / Willingness to Pay / ROAD NETWORK / Value of time / Environmental externalities / Computational Mechanism Design / Economic / Auction Design / Negative Externalities / Travel Time / Demand Elasticity / Hot Spot / Trading System / Cross Section / Willingness to Pay / ROAD NETWORK / Value of time / Environmental externalities / Computational Mechanism Design / Economic / Auction Design / Negative Externalities

A smart market for passenger road transport (SMPRT) congestion: An application of computational mechanism design

Economic Theory / Agent Based / Market Orientation / Demand Analysis / Applied Economics / Travel Time / Demand Elasticity / Hot Spot / Trading System / Cross Section / Willingness to Pay / ROAD NETWORK / Value of time / Environmental externalities / Computational Mechanism Design / Economic / Auction Design / Negative Externalities / Travel Time / Demand Elasticity / Hot Spot / Trading System / Cross Section / Willingness to Pay / ROAD NETWORK / Value of time / Environmental externalities / Computational Mechanism Design / Economic / Auction Design / Negative Externalities
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